A prayer for Joel

Dear God,
Thank you for bringing this man into this world... some 30-some years ago.
Thank you for bringing him into my life.
Thank you for blessing him with the breath of life...
...and gifting him with the gift of Life.
For Your presence in his life...
... and his presence in mine.
Thank you for his love for You.
... and his love for me.
Thank you for blessing him with a love for people, Your church, this land, and even his machines :)
I'm thankful for this farm boy, preacher man named Joel.
May You continue to bless him with health, strength and joy.
May Joel's character and heart reflect You in him.
Increase more and more his love for 
Your Word,
Your people,
his children,
and me.
May he continue to faithfully serve You.
May he continue to faithfully love his family.
And may he continue to faithfully respond to his calling and purpose.
In Your name,

Happy birthday, babe! :)

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