I have to confess...
My attitude has not been the greatest lately.
I've been inpatient and short with my children...
I find myself having no tolerance for the smallest things, and no patient to deal with yelling, whining, crying, or plain defiance.
Sometimes parenting can feel like a chore, when I KNOW in my heart and mind that parenting is so much more than feeding, cleaning, disciplining, and wiping bottoms.
But it's been tough to REMEMBER the good and the blessings that come with bearing children.
It's been also difficult to emphasize the joy when stress and anxiety blind me from truly seeing the divine moments, the miracles.
I don't want to forget.
But once again, I have to confess that it's been quite a challenge to create time and energy to rest.
Isn't that ironic?
It takes energy to rest... huh?
But today I got this card...
and my dear husband quoted Darius Rucker (see video below)
and reminded me that "It won't be like this for long..."
Today is my 34th birthday, and I AM BLESSED! I really am.
Blue Orchids from the hubby |
Thank you, babe!
Thank you, Joshua and Elsie!
I love you all!
Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This For Long"