A few more weeks to go... and a challenge to YOU!

I've had a lot of people ask me if I'm "ready" for this baby.

To be honest, I don't fully comprehend the question, and can't even begin to answer it.  YES, I'm ready to LOVE another human being, experience the miracle of growth, and once again... feel in the flesh the meaning of God's unconditional love for me (and humanity).  

Sure, there are fears.  The fear of the unknown (once again), of how Joshua will react to a baby sleeping in his  "old crib".  The sleepless nights, the constant feedings, the crying... Or how my attention could ever be divided.  Or how in the world could I love them the same?  I know it's possible, and I know in my heart of hearts that God is shaping me to understand HIS love for me.  Did I say that God loves me UNCONDITIONALLY??  It's the only way He knows how to love, and I'm thrilled that I GET to experience a small dosage of what that means.  

So, am I "ready"?  


Are YOU?

During quiet times of reflection, while Joshua takes his nap... I REMEMBER the first time I felt that warmth of God's love in my heart.  Then I grieve for those who's never experienced that in their life... sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes out of rebellion, and sometimes for lack of opportunity.  God is "there".  God is HERE. God whispers your name when you (who's searching) cries out in search for answers.  

So, ARE YOU READY to experience 
God's unconditional love for YOU?  

"For God  SO LOVED the world, that He gave His ONE and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."  
John 3:16 (NIV)

ps:  That is my prayer for my own children... that they would come to know, understand, and experience God's unconditional LOVE for them at an early age.  

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  1. I love how you connect the dots :-) And ohhh look at that lovely belly!!

  2. Helen~

    You look gorgeous! God's Blessings on all of you. Can't wait to see your baby #2.


  3. Helen, you look great! So fun, being pregnant and looking forward to the new life in your lives.

    Praying God's blessings on your adjustment...and while Joshua will have some adjustments too, it's all part of learning we're not the center of the world. As long as he still feels loved, he'll be okay. My daughter didn't have any issues. =)

  4. Helen when I was pregnant with my second child I felt like I was cheating on my first child. I know that sounds funny, but that is what I thought at the time. I also felt that when I was pregnant with my third. hehe. You are about to face a big adjustment. I pray your transition with two goes well.

  5. You look great!!!
    We are having some adjustment time here with Baby #5 just arrived. It is to be expected, but things will smooth out soon.
    We are so blessed and already I can't imagine our lives without Grace. Right before she was born I was thinking back to when my son was the only child. It seems strange now.
