Briefing my Friday Outing...


Okay, so this is an overdue post.  I promised I would share about my Friday outing, so here it is...

This was my second year going to the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo here in Cleveland.  Last year I went with my mother-in-law and at that time I wasn't really into the sewing, fabrics, quilting, etc...  I was more of a knitter back then.  But this year I knew what I would have my eyes on... and boy, did I let my eyes get the best of me.  Look at some of the few goodies I was able to score (thanks to the hubby who was "ok" with me spoiling myself!).  LOVE IT!

I'm not sure if I was more intrigued about EVERYTHING this year, but I felt like this year the vendors, the presentations, and even the look of the displays were more aesthetically pleasing.  I spent about 5 hours there, and by the end of the day I was truly inspired by the most amazing and talented women in this craft business.  Hmmmm, should I learn to quilt next?  So tempting! 

Well, I'll come back tomorrow to share what's coming next in my Helen's Corner endeavor.  Some really exciting news!

Friday Outing!!!


This will be a short post.  I can't believe how fast time is going by...  I was recently having a conversation with a friend, who reminded me that time is relative, it's a concept, it's just a way to measure "something".  So abstract, right?  And yet, I find myself being guided and led by the days on the calendar, the ticking on my wall clock, and the digital numbers on my cell phone.  Why?

Anyway, I have a few things on the horizon, and I'm really excited!  But I'll probably share more about it some other day.  For now, I just wanted to share how excited I am for my today's outing...  I'm going to the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo here in Cleveland.  I'm going with my mother-in-law this afternoon.  Will post about it later.  Stay tuned!

Have a blessed weekend, everyone!

This morning verse: 
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." 
Proverbs 18:10

Announcing Winner of Spring Giveaway


(according to generator)

#37 AMKreations!!! 

Congratulations, Anita!!!  Please check your email for a special note from me.

Thank you so much EVERYONE who took the time to enter my very first giveaway!  This was so much fun!  I'll definitely be doing this again.  So, stay tuned! 

God Made Me.... Slugs & Bugs Style??


If you're looking for my current GIVEAWAY, click here or scroll down. 

Let me introduce you to one the COOLEST gifts my son Joshua received from my friend Alison (Thank you, Alison!!!).  Whether you have a boy or girl, or if you're just a big kid at heart, this will definitely bring a smile to your face. 

It is called SLUGS & BUGS & LULLABIES!

Alison sent me this in the mail when Joshua was about...  hmmm, 3-4 months old.  It was around the time when Joshua would scream during an entire car ride.  UNTIL I started playing some of these HILARIOUS, CATCHY, and SWEET tracks, like " The Lord Bless and Keep You", "Tractor Tractor", "Chicken Wiggle" (oh my goodness...that is my son!!), and "God Made Me." 

Here's a sneak peak of track # 4 God Made Me:

God made slugs and bugs and rats and bats
And nasty bees that don't say please
They'll sting your elbows and your knees if you chase them.

God made snakes and snails and killer whales
And if you were a baby seal
Then you would make a tasty meal for orcas.

But God made me like He made the sea.
He filled it up with green and blue
He sent His Son, His Only One
To fill me up and make me new

Is that so sweet???  Anyway, I am NOT working for these guys, but seriously... I should really see if they could use another marketing person!  Check them out!!!  Seriously!  It's hilarious. 
One of my goals is to have Joshua be able to sing all 18 songs... one day.  I only play it when we're in the car, so he still loves listening to this CD on our way to the grocery store, post office, or even church.  Again, so sweet (and hilarious!).   

Waiting for Spring.... and a GIVEAWAY! (CLOSED)


I think I found the CUTEST Spring 'MUST HAVE" yesterday!!!  Spring is only a week away (can you believe that?) and I am SO excited!  Spring is definitely my favorite season, and I can't wait for all the flowers to start blooming.  It's also a time for us to start getting our vegetable garden ready for the Summer.  Anyway, so, this is what I found yesterday!  They're called Flip Flap flowers and they're solar-powered. 

I was told that if I place it by a window, it will constantly move/dance... as long as it's sunny :) 
How cute is that??

So... GUESS WHAT???  I got one at the Christian bookstore yesterday! 

A Solar-Powered PRAISE FLOWER!  And it has the 1 Corinthians 13:13 verse on it!  My favorite!



I've been thinking about doing a GIVEAWAY for a while, ever since I hit my 40th sale on Helen's Corner Etsy Shop.  For this special GIVEAWAY, the winner will receive their very own PRAISE FLOWER
get a chance to CHOOSE ONE OF 4 different items: 

There will be 6 different ways to enter this GIVEAWAY
Please leave one comment per entry.
Please leave your email address on each comment. 

1.  Check out my Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment with your favorite item from the shop (1 entry).

2.  Become a follower of my blog, then leave me a comment letting me know you did so.  If you're already a follower, leave me a comment letting me know you're already a follower (1 entry).

3.  If you win this GIVEAWAY, what item would you choose and where would you place the Praise Flower(1 entry)? 

4.  Blog about this giveaway, then leave me a comment with a link to your blog posting (1 entry).

5.  Add this GIVEAWAY to your Facebook status, then leave me comment letting me know you did so (1 entry).

6.  Make a purchase on Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment here letting me know you did so (5 extra entries). 

This GIVEAWAY will end on the FIRST DAY OF SPRING - Saturday, March 20th, 2010, at 11:59pm EST.  Winner will be announced on Sunday, March 21st, 2010.

50 Random Facts About Me


I was recently inspired by Regina to work on my own Random Facts list.  So, here it is!  These are in no specific order...  Enjoy!

1.  I was born in Brazil.
2.  Dark chocolate makes me happy.
3.  i can't stand extreme weather... either too hot or too cold.
4.  I lived 10 years on the west coast, before moving to the midwest.
5.  I'm a pastor's wife.
6.  I'm a pastor's kid.
7.  I like watching the news.
8.  I like to cook, but I love baking.
9.  I wish I were more creative.
10.  I admire people who read lots of books.
11.  I learned to like country music after marrying a farm boy.
12.  I had a New Kids on the Block obsession 20 years ago... and just to my first NKOTB concert last year :) .
13.  I played the piano for 5 years when I was little.
14.  I don't like running.
15.  I love going for walks.
16.  I have a secret crush on the color pink.
17.  Method of organization... I make piles.
18.  Cutting coupons is like a game... how much can I save today?
19.  I used to name everything George.
20.  I like turtles.
21.  My favorite color is red.
22.  Daisies make me happy.
23.  I majored in Psychology.
24.  I minored in Youth Ministry.
25.  I love the water, but can't swim very well.
26.  I wish I could travel more.
27.  My mother is an identical twin.
28.  I have 2 younger brothers (in 2 different states), and an older sister.
29.  Drinking coffee at home saves me money.
30.  I like rice pudding with cinnamon.
31.  I haven't gone to the movies in over 2 years.
32.  My sewing machine doesn't have a cover.
33.  People always think I'm younger than my real age.
34.  I'm allergic to cottonwood trees.
35.  My newest dream is to own a fabric store someday.
36.  I've never done drugs.
37.  My husband is 3 1/2 years younger than me.
38.  I commute 38 miles to work (one-way).
39.  I love and miss Seattle.
40.  My favorite type of food is Thai.
41.  I'm a homeowner. 
42.  I learned to knit on my own.
43.  My favorite snack is Nutella on toast.
44.  My son looks like me, but acts like his father.
45.  My favorite TV show was "My So-Called Life" (too back it only lasted 1 season).
46.  I enjoy going to the botanical gardens.
47.  I have a vegetable garden in my backyard.
48.  I'm a compassionate person.
49.  My middle name is Kaori.
50.  Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

Now it's your turn!  Let me know if you decide to do one, ok?

Busyness is NOT an excuse!


"I've been so busy..."

I've been saying those words a lot lately.  And to be honest, I am really trying to go from a "catching up" mode to an "on top of things" mode.  Is that too much to ask?  For a lof ot us women who juggle family, work, ministries, and friends, it is exhausting to attempt giving 100% to everyone around us.  So, why do we even try?  I was reminded today that I am not here to please "mere men", I'm here to please, praise, and honor my Father in Heaven. 

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  Colossians 3:17

It puts everything in a different perspective...  knowing that even when I'm trying to "catch up" on things, my attitude should be to do it in the name of the Lord Jesus.  He should be my only audience, and it is through Him and for Him that all my efforts exist. 

The good news is... in the midst of my busyness, I managed to win a contest over on Ashlei's blog Coupon Deals and Steals.  I am loving this new hobby!!  Trying to save by cutting up a bunch of coupons and searching for those really good deals!!!  So cool!  ANYWAY, so WHAT DID I WIN??? 

A PREMADE BLOG DESIGN from Designer Blogs!!! 


So, stay tuned and keep coming back!!  I am currently working with their designer to get the right look for my blog.  SERIOUSLY!  They have so many amazing designs!  Go check it out!!
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