Meet My Friends: The Inspire Shop & A Giveaway!


Today you're in for a special treat!
I have been anticipated this post for a LONG time, as I've been parading around my house and secretly enjoying my "Write Your Heart Out" mug for the past few weeks.  (Hint... keep reading for an exclusive giveaway!)

Can I pray for you today?


I am fully aware that you might be going through some tough times right now.
And I'm also fully aware that we have a real enemy whose sole purpose for existing is to steal our joy, to kill, devour and destroy us.  

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."  John 10:10

A Few Things I Learned While On Spring Break


Oh... how I loved being on Spring Break this year!
As the kids get older and as I'm learning what it means to "rest" and to enjoy the small (but important) things in life, I can honestly say that taking a week to UNPLUG was GOOD.

My March Favorites


How is it already April!!??
March tends to be a long month, but I cannot believe how fast it came and went!  Am I the only one who feels like that?
Anyway... before I dive into all things April... Easter... Exciting giveaways (coming up soon, I promise!)... I am here to share the THREE THINGS I've been loving from the month of March!
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