Garden Watering

As I was watering our garden this morning, the mist and fresh breeze reminded me of God’s grace.  Fresh.  Daily.  Soothing and awakening.  It was His provision for me. 
For anything to grow and flourish, the initial nurturing is essential. 
Our garden received the fresh watering with a smile. 
It didn’t take long for me to sense God’s presence, right there, in the midst of the ordinary.

Two of my children are home from school today, with that nasty flu bug. 
As a mother, it pains me to see them uncomfortable, unable to keep anything down and yet, wanting to get better.  In my nurturing them, I’m realizing that there are many things that are out of my earthly and physical control.  I can’t heal them.  I can’t make their bodies react positively to food.  I can’t make them sleep through the night or get “all better” overnight.  And I can’t promise that they’ll feel completely better by tomorrow… their school Field Trip day! 

But I trust in the One who can.
He is ABLE to heal.
He HEARS our prayers.
And He COMFORTS when we most need Him.

So I continue to faithfully plant seeds… and water them to nurture them.  But the Lord is the one who provides growth.  Fresh.  Daily.

“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but ONLY GOD who gives the growth.”  1 Corinthians 3:7

I’m thankful today.  And that has to be a choice, despite my circumstances.  When the ones around me are suffering at the hospital, or uncertain of life changes and house sales and health diagnosis.  I am choosing to look to the One who holds us ALL in the palm of His hands. 

What are YOU thankful for today? 
What is reminding you of His faithfulness today?

I pray you’ll sense God’s presence, right here, in the midst of the ordinary today.

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23

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