4 Secrets About Motherhood & The Truth That Set Me Free


Hey you.
The mama of a single child.  
The mama of twins.
The mama of boys.  
The mama of girls.
The new mama.
The seasoned mama.  
And every mama in between.

What Laundry Is Teaching Me...


Laundry can be overwhelming.  
Laundry can be strenuous.
Laundry can be endless.

English Is NOT My First Language


Growing up in Sao Paulo, Brazil, I didn't know I was Asian.

Jesus In The Grief Of Others


Today marks the end of the very first week of 2017.  That's crazy!  I look around me and I can think of several people within my close community and family going through TOUGH situations.  

What's Wrong With A Peppermint Mocha?


Yesterday I learned that a Peppermint Mocha cannot heal my wounds.

That's right, friends.  I woke up with a crummy attitude yesterday...

2017 Focus: Daily Encounters With Jesus


Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's ALREADY January THIRD?  Wow!  
So here I am... I realized that last year I had only blogged twice... TWICE... all year!  And believe me, there were days I blogged in my head.  My thoughts flowed and flowed but never got to a blank page.  I felt guilty.  Then I felt freed.  Then I felt like it became forgotten.  But I always missed this... THIS... putting my thoughts on the screen.  

The Lord spoke very vividly with me as I was reading His Word at my kitchen table one afternoon...
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