Blessings Unlimited: My New Endeavor


I am officially a new Consultant for Blessings Unlimited.
Remember my commitment to make 2012 a year of encouraging others?
Remember my desire to bless others through sharing God's Unconditional Love?
Well, I'm merging my heart's desire with a new endeavor.
Blessings Unlimited.

Here's the mission of Blessings Unlimited:
To pursue the heart of God and bring blessings to others.
Could this be any more fitting?
Could this be any more... ME?

I WANT to pursue the heart of God.  I WANT to capture what He has for me, what He wants to do IN and THROUGH me.  And I'm excited to join Blessings Unlimited!

So, what is Blessings Unlimited?
Blessings Unlimited is a company that was started in 2006 by DaySpring, to share God's blessings to people by providing unique and special Christian products such as greeting cards, home decor and gifts at "parties" we call GATHERINGS.  DaySpring is the largest producer of Christian cards and gifts, and retails their products at Christian bookstores across the country.  It became a subsidiary of Hallmark in the late 1990s, but Blessings Unlimited extends these products to people's homes, in a more intimate setting.  

I am praying that Blessings Unlimited will open doors for me to share my faith in Jesus Christ to many who might not have a chance to hear about his unconditional love for us.  What a neat opportunity I'll have to open God's Word, and at the same time provide people with the chance to order beautiful products with a Biblical message!

Here are a few ways you could SUPPORT me in this new venture:
1.  Pray!  Pray for me.  Pray for protection, healthy boundaries, and that above all, I would represent Christ in the homes and lives of every person I come in contact with.
2.  Check out my Blessings Unlimited website, and let me know what you think.  I CRAVE feedback (positive and negative), so fire away!!!
3.  Share.  Spread the word about Blessings Unlimited.
5.  Be a hostess.  I would LOVE to share Blessings Unlimited with you and a bunch of your friends/family.  If you're driving distance from me, let me know and I'll be happy to pay you a visit.  Blessings Unlimited has an amazing Hostess Program, where you could receive a ton of FREE products!
6.  Join my team!  BECOME a Consultant WITH ME!  If you're thinking and praying about where God is calling you, what He has in store for you in the near future, or if you're just looking to do something for some extra income, TALK TO ME!!!  I would LOVE to have you join my team!  So easy! 

And now I'll leave you with some eye candy...  enjoy!  

Joshua is 3 years old!!!


Dear Joshua,

From the first moment I saw you, I knew my love for you would only grow.
You're THREE years-old now. 
Actually... you turned 3 on Monday... and as always, mommy is a little late posting "news" on her blog :)
Anyway, as a young, energetic, creative, full of life, and lover of all things with wheels and engines... 
Joshua, you ARE my son.  
Thank you for bringing life and joy into my life.
Thank you for mastering the potty the week before your 3rd birthday
(just like you mastered walking the week before your 1st birthday).
Thank you for being a caring and loving brother to your sister Elsie,
and for being such a big helper to your Daddy.
I might not always love reading the same book 7 times in a row to you... but I DO love your enthusiasm for books, Little Einstein DVDs, tractors, and chickens :)
I pray for you daily.
And my prayer will continue to be this: 
"Lord, prepare his heart to know You as His Lord and Savior, so that he will one day serve you and be a leader for his generation."  

Mommy loves you, Joshua!

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