Welcome to the world!


Elsie Grace
July 13th 2011 @ 3:06am
6lbs. 14oz.
20 inches

4th of July Weekend in Review


We had a full weekend!  
I can't believe I'm still going-going-going and this baby hasn't come, yet!  
I'm thankful, though... and feeling healthy and ready for what's ahead.

This weekend was packed!  I was hesitant to go to all of the activities on our calendar, but trusted that God would bring this baby at the right time.  

So, on Saturday, we ventured out for a fun afternoon with some friends at the Old Bag Factory here in Goshen, IN.  Failed to take many pictures there, but managed to take these shots... Joshua LOVES going on slides and this one he could not resist!  5 minutes into it, he was already going up and down by himself!

Then, he experimented with those "bouncy/blow up thingies", and he LOVED it, too!  Of course, since I couldn't go in there with him, daddy had to join in the fun.

On Sunday we had our church service held at the local park, then, ONCE AGAIN, a rich picnic potluck did not disappoint.  We couldn't stay long, since we had plans to join Joel's family at the lake cottage.  Here are some of the fun shots of Joshua, enjoying the water with his cousins.

After an exhausting Saturday and Sunday, my plans were to lounge at home and enjoy the holiday with my family... not going anywhere.  
BUT, we decided to explore our local Blueberry Farm.  
Have you ever experienced going to a place where you "thought" you knew what you were getting yourself into, UNTIL YOU GET THERE!  

I had NEVER seen such big, plump, and sweet blueberries in my ENTIRE life!  
I am NOT joking!  

Joshua was in heaven!  For the first 15 minutes, he kept either eating blueberries from our buckets, or picking them from the bushes... one after the other!  I think he ate so many blueberries that he started to get sick!  

After picking these wonderful berries under the hot high-80s weather for about an hour, we decided it was time to retreat and go home.  Needless to say, Joshua DID NOT want any more blueberries when he got home.  

So, what did we do with all 14 pounds of blueberries we picked??  
Keep reading...

After a LONG afternoon nap, Joel surprised me by showing me the "first pickings" of our garden:  
Green Beans galore!!  Can you believe this??

So, we sat outside and snapped beans for a little over an hour, while watching Joshua wander around the yard with his wheel barrel, lawn mower, big wheels, or... by foot.  I love that boy!  Oh, and once in a while he would come by to grab a green bean to eat "on the go".  Yup, this boy was eating raw green beans!!  So proud!

We feel so blessed!

That night, after putting Joshua to bed, Joel and I decided to end our 4th of July day (a day that was supposed to be lay back and restful) by processing and canning the green beans

 and making a few pints of blueberry jam...  

YUM!  Yup, that's what I ended up doing with some of the fresh berries. 
 LOTS of work but OH SO WORTH IT!  
The rest of the blueberries are now nicely sitting on my freezer in the basement.  

I feel so blessed!

ps:  Quick update...  went to the Dr. today and no progress, yet...  hanging in there, until this baby decides to come into this "busy" world.  Can't wait!

Rainy mornings...


I have a fond attraction to rainy mornings.  
There's something so calming about waking up to a cloudy day, listening to rain drops and distant thunder.  

Today was one of those mornings...

For the past 2 weeks, my dear husband has taken my toddler to my in-laws, to do some work in their farm, to bless Joshua with some grandma time, and to bless me with some deserved rest.  One of the blessings I'm given is the opportunity to sleep in... and this morning I did just that!  My heart is so full... and waking up to a dreary, cloudy, and rainy day did not just bring a calming start to my day... it truly blessed me.
The view from my bedroom window
With a cup nice cup of Chai/Coffee mix, I opened my Bible and read this:

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."
Psalm 90:14

And that is how I feel today.  


Rainy mornings reminds me of FOND MEMORIES I have of waking up in the beloved city of Seattle.  Oh, how I miss those mornings... those days, those years.  If someone were to ask me where I would most likely be if I could CHOOSE to live anywhere, I would, without hesitation, answer them: "SEATTLE".  I can vividly remember the smell of the streets, the faces of dear friends, my freedom to grow, laugh, walk, challenge myself, hurt, heal, and even fall.  Those were critical years in a life I WOULD NOT CHANGE for anything.  

Maybe that's why rainy mornings are so dear to me.  

Isn't God wonderful?  

He chooses to gift me with a wonderful family, new friends, and PEACE.  In a world where chaos and uncertainties mark the attitudes of so many around us, I can wake up in the morning (after sleeping in...) and be reminded of God's unfailing love, fond memories of a physical place in Seattle, and the faces of those who made me who I am today.  

What do rainy mornings ignite in you?  

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