Free Shipping - Memorial Day Weekend!


That's right, friends!

on all orders placed from NOW until MONDAY, May 30th, 2011.  No Codes Needed!!  

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend by shopping at Helen's Corner!! 
(By the way, all orders placed during this promotion will be shipped AFTER the holiday weekend... Thanks!) 



I've been keeping a journal for over 22 years.  That's right!  I started keeping a "diary" back in my elementary school days, when I NEEDED a safe place to share my thoughts about my biggest crush, daily events, and secret feelings.  I never thought I would still be journaling... some 22 years later.  LATELY, though, my journal writing/recording has been focusing on immediate, intimate, and somewhat identical topics:
(WOW, I actually found 3 words that start with the letter "I"!!!  Yay!) 

God's LOVE
God's PURPOSE for ME

Yesterday was a tough day... I felt inadequate, under-equipped, tired, and frustrated.  Despite pouring my heart out to the Lord during my "quiet time", I could not find the peace I needed to get my attitude in the right place...

This morning, I woke up with a simple thought.  I knew it was God's still small voice, speaking directly to me as I was opening my eyes and welcoming a NEW DAY.  

"Helen... Take every opportunity to LOVE on your child."  

God says, "I do".  From the rising of the sun... to the end of each day, that's what God does to me.  He takes every opportunity to show me His unfailing and unconditional love.  

What about YOU?  What has God been showing you lately?  What have you been journaling about?  Is HE speaking to you as you welcome each day?  

Spring Giveaway!


About a year ago I held a very special giveaway to welcome the Spring season!

So, I'm here to announce that the SO POPULAR GIVEAWAY is BACK!

I absolutely LOVE Spring, especially when it starts to get sunny and warm outside.  I've had the pleasure of wearing flip flops these last few days and I am in pure paradise!  Ok... I might be exaggerating, but... seriously, if I could wear flip flops all year long, I WOULD!

Ok, for those of you who aren't familiar with these cute flip flap flowers, here's a quick description by 'yours truly'.  It's a solar-powered power Praise Flower, which will "dance" and "praise the Lord" as long as it's showered by sunshine!  So, place it by a window and you'll see it "dance" all day long!

1 Thessalonias 5:17 says "Pray continually". 

This year I decided to give away the PINK one with the word PRAY in it.  Lately I've been really focusing on my prayer life... my alone/quiet time with the Lord, or my daily and constant conversation with my Creator.  I am realizing more and more of how much I depend on His strength.

I am also GIVING AWAY a $10 Gift Certificate to my Etsy Shop,

There will be many different ways to enter this GIVEAWAY
Please leave one comment per entry.
Please leave your email address on each comment. 

1.  Check out my Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment with your favorite item from the shop (1 entry).

2.  Become a follower of my blog, then leave me a comment letting me know you did so.  If you're already a follower, leave me a comment letting me know you're a follower (1 entry).

3.  If you win this GIVEAWAY, where would you place the Praise Flower (1 entry)? 

4.  Blog about this giveaway, then leave me a comment with a link to your blog posting (2 entries).

5.  Add a link of this GIVEAWAY on your Facebook status, then leave me comment letting me know you did so (1 entry).

6.  Make a purchase on Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment here letting me know you did so (5 extra entries). 

This GIVEAWAY will end Tuesday, May 31st, 2011, at 11:59pm EST.  Winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 1st, 2011.

Mindless afternoons...


This will be a quick one...

You guys KNOW that I love testing new products and scoring some FREE stuff, right?  Most of you out there already know about SWAGBUCKS (which, by the way, I JUST scored enough points... just by doing my daily internet searches... and will be redeeming them for a $50 giftcard!  I am so excited!

Ok, so, recently I've been experimenting with this new site called CRAWDTAP.  Crowdtap is an online community that connects consumers with brands so we, as consumers, can directly influence new products and marketing ideas...  you can earn cash and FREE stuff.  And you know I LOVE finding new deal, right?  Crowdtap sounded really interested.  Oh, I didn't mention this...  5% of your earnings will go directly to the charity organization that you choose (they give you some options on the site).  It's pretty cool!  I've only spent about 20-30 minutes on there and already got a few points towards some rewards...  like I said, pretty cool!  You can check them out by clicking here.

Ok, I said this was going to be short... so I'm out!  

Will be back for more meaningful postings later...  just wanted to share something I found on this MINDLESS AFTERNOON.... haha. :)

Thoughts on being a Pastor's Wife


Almost 4 years ago, Joel started his full-time pastoral ministry as the Associate Pastor at Trinity Church in Middleburg Heights, OH.  For some reason the role of the Associate Pastor's wife was quite subtle and somewhat comfortable for me.  No expectations, no pressure, no "real" demands... except, of course, the true calling to be the encourager and supporter of his ministry.  And that I did.  I did it well.  I suppose being the "second" pastor's wife in the congregation also helped.  (Donna, if you're reading this, THANK YOU for your example and support during our years at Trinity!)

But now I am officially the Pastor's Wife.  THE Pastor's Wife.  Joel became the Senior Pastor of Bethel Church here in Indiana at the end of March, and so far... I must say... my role as the Pastor's Wife has fit me quite comfortably as well.  I know it's only been a little over month, but I haven't felt the pressures, the expectations, nor the hard demands from others OR myself.  Believe me, I am aware that this might all change at some point. :)  

So, what does it TRULY mean to be a Pastor's Wife TO ME
IMPORTANT NOTE: (As a pastor's granddaughter, pastor's daughter, pastor's niece... and now a pastor's wife)

My thoughts... in my HUMBLE opinion...
- Being Joel's supporter and encourager
- A prayer warrior for Joel's personal and spiritual life
- Being the best mother for my children
- Being the encourager of the ones around me, especially my new church family
- Creating a welcoming environment for my church family
- Developing the specific gifts which God has given me, and passionately pursuing the ways to use them
- Exercising wisdom and discernment
- Growing in my own personal walk with the Lord
- Being sensitive to the needs of the church family, and being available whenever needed


This above list DID NOT include:
- Getting involved in ministry, "just because"... meaning, filling needs as they come
- Wearing certain outfits (although I believe in appropriateness, of course!)
- Participating in EVERY event (although I have been enjoying EVERY gathering... maybe because of the food!)
- Being a good public speaker
- Raising the MOST behaved children (believe me, Joshua has been RUNNING around the building and at every Bible study, prayer meeting, or special event... during prayer times, sermon times, or any other time!)

I've been slowly learning that I am simply a loved daughter of the King.  God has created me uniquely for this role and for such a time as this.  I love being a wife, a mother, and now a Pastor's Wife.  I truly appreciate the prayers of the saints, the encouraging words of every person I encounter, and the support and love of this new church family.

This past month we started hosting our "Alphabet Dinners".  Our desire was to host every person in the congregation in our home.  Since the house isn't huge, we decided to divide the church directory alphabetically, by last names.  We came up with 5 different groups.  So far we hosted 2 of the 5 Alphabet Dinners and it's been a true joy to have them in our home.  I'm learning, more and more, that despite the work that is involved, God grants me pure joy in those times.  I have to say, HOSPITALITY is NOT one of my spiritual gifts, but the Lord is faithful and has provided me with physical strength, energy, and time to cook.  People have also been generous in offering their help, especially by bringing side dishes, desserts, salads, etc...  I can't imagine having to DO IT ALL!  Praise God that things have fallen into place!

There is so much I'm thankful for...  I also strongly believe that God has answered my prayers for friends, fellowship, and little friends for Joshua... but that is a post for another day.

One of the books that I've read recently (I'm doing some book reviews soon, as I've been able to READ before bed, instead of watch TV... yes, we got rid of our TV), is the same book that challenged me a few months ago at a Pastors and Wives Retreat.  I was given this book and read it that same day, in less than 1 hour.  So good, so challenging, so refreshing, and so TRUE!  If you have a chance to pick this little guy up, DO IT!  

Do yourself a favor and read it!  It's a small book... Like I said, I read it in less than ONE hour!

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