A Song...


If you're looking for my current GIVEAWAY, scroll down or click here


God gets my attention through SONG... 

I often times hear from Him when I'm in the car listening to music.  This past week I got one of my favorite Christian artists NEW CD.  Her name is Meredith Andrews and I've been a fan since 2004, when I started going to Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago (suburbs).  Meredith is one of the worship leaders at Harvest and I always felt blessed by her ministry there.  (She actually gave me the music sheet for one of her very first songs, Worship To You, so I could have my brothers, sister, and good friend play/sing at my wedding.  So beautiful!  Thanks, Meredith!).  She's always been so sweet to me and Joel.  When we were working with the college students, Meredith would come to the Sunday night college gatherings and we would have a few quick chats here and there...  she was always so sweet! 

Anyway, this past Tuesday I finally got a copy of her latest CD's at the library.  On Wednesday I was driving to work and decided to listen to it.  I knew I would love her music no matter what, but I found myself in tears when this song began to play...

I’m turning the world off
Embracing the silence
Walking away from all the voices
That are Screaming in my ear
I've been too caught up
I've been so stressed out
All of the noise replaced the whisper
That used to be so clear
So I close every door
Put my face back on the floor

And I'm in Your arms
Where I belong
There's no other place for me
Than right where You are
Some things just don't change
When I call Your name
You never hesitate to wrap me in endless grace
When I'm in Your arms
I’m letting my fears go
Giving You control
For You are the one who holds me closer
In my soul's darkest night

Everything I see
Is so temporary
So help me to run the race before me
With eternity in sight
Now I close every door
Put my face back on the floor
To sit at Your feet
At Your table of mercy
To gaze on Your beauty, my Lord
To drink from Your well
And be changed by Your glory
How could I ask for more
Jesus, how could I ask for more



I am VERY excited about THIS DAY.  I LOVE the LORD and I want to share HIS WORD with YOU… LITERALLY!!  When I was thinking about what I would want to give away this month, I remembered that Mother’s Day is coming up… and with that, I began to think about my own mother.  My mother and father raised me in a Christian home.  My mother is someone who cherishes her time with the Lord, meditating on His Word, praying, and journaling… and that’s what she’s been doing every since I can remember. And her example influenced me to develop a greater love for God.
So… what else would I want to pass it on to you??

“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105


I am giving away this BEAUTIFUL medium size Bible (NIV – New International Version), with a Burgundy/Tan Duo Tone cover. It features: words of Jesus in red letter, ribbon marker, presentation page (if you’re giving it as a gift), lists of teachings, ministry, miracles, and parables of Jesus, Bible dictionary, overview of the Bible, and life in New Testament times. It fits most Bible covers size Medium.

Whether you’re wanting to win this for yourself, or if you’re thinking and praying for a loved one (a friend, family member, or neighbor), my prayer is that this Bible would find a good home.


There will be 6 different ways to enter this GIVEAWAY.


Please leave your email address on each comment.

1. Check out my Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment with your favorite item from the shop (1 entry).

2. Become a follower of my blog, then leave me a comment letting me know you did so. If you're already a follower, leave me a comment letting me know you're already a follower (1 entry).

3. If you win this GIVEAWAY, who would be receiving this Bible? Yourself or a loved one (1 entry)?

4. Blog about this giveaway, then leave me a comment with a link to your blog posting (1 entry).

5. Add this GIVEAWAY to your Facebook status, then leave me comment letting me know you did so (1 entry).


6. Make a purchase on Helen's Corner Etsy shop, then leave me a comment here letting me know you did so (5 extra entries).

This GIVEAWAY will end one week from today - Sunday, May 2nd, 2010, at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be announced on Monday, May 3rd, 2010.

Sponsoring a giveaway on JDaniel4's Mom blog


Last month I was contacted by JDaniel4's Mom, who was interested in featuring one of the baby bodysuits from my Etsy shop on her blog.  After looking over her blog and really liking what she's been doing there, I SAID YES. 

So, visit the JDaniel4's Mom Blog and check out the GIVEAWAY I'm sponsoring. 

And tomorrow... I'm posting a very special GIVEAWAY here on Helen's Corner! 

Quick Chicago trip


(the view from our hotel room)

I just got back last night (morning) at around 1am from one of my favorites cities in the world, Chicago!  I miss walking around the city... hearing the sounds, the colors, the flowers on The Magnificent Mile, the shops, the fast pace life... It's so funny how everyone is walking somewhere...and fast!  AND, with their coffee cups in hand! 

We took two of our youth group girls to a Moody campus visit.  Joel got to walk around his old stomping grounds, and Joshua was able to "experience" Moody and Chicago for the first time.  He didn't do too well on the car ride, let me just tell you... He slept for the first 2 hours, then struggled for the rest of the trip.  I felt bad for the girls sitting in the backseat with him.  Sorry, girls! 

Moody is a neat place.  Even though I didn't go to school there, I feel a slight connection to that place, probably because of Joel.  These are some of my favorite spots on campus...

The clock tower...

and these inspiring Scriptures on their walls...

I should've taken more pictures of the city, but since I don't usually think about taking out my camera when walking around, I completely negelected it.  I did, however, manage to get a shot of the "water tower"...

and of the infamous Chicago-style Giordanos pizza (with Hallie in the background, yay!!).  So yummy!

But now that I'm back home, I have tons of catching up to do:  laundry, housecleaning, dishes, grocery shopping, couponing, phone calls, and emails...  is tomorrow already Sunday??  I'm planning on posting my GIVEAWAY tomorrow. 

And stay tuned, everyone!!!  Helen's Corner will be featured at another giveway this coming Monday!!  Seriously!  Stay tuned!

Joshua's Favorite Toys


My son makes ME smile... 

And recently he is beginning to recognize his FAVORITE TOYS... 

He LOVES playing with his
LITTLE DUCK (he loves this old book!)

Now... let me make YOU smile now...

What a weekend!


I feel exhausted!  Last week I was averaging about 5 hours of sleep every night, all because I was trying to get ready for  my very first show.  Well, it was at a Women's Outreach event for the East Central District of the Missionary Church.  It went well and I had a lot of fun!  A dozen sales and lots of affirmation!  I'm tired, though... and with that, I am now fighting a cold.  Runny/stuffy nose, sinus headache, and fatigue. 

I know I've been neglecting this blog lately, and I wish I had a good excuse.  But really... I've been wanting to share some of my current thoughts... so here it goes...

Most of you know that I am a "pastor's wife"...whatever that means.  And some of you know that I don't really fit the stereotypical mold of a pastor's wife.  I like to connect with people, but I don't naturally make myself available.  I think that's why some people tell me that I might seem unattached, or even intimidating, to people.  I don't mean to give out that vibe.  But I do love people, and I love my church family.  I also don't seem to feel obligated to "get involved" and plug into every ministry opportunity, just because the need is there.  I strongly believe in utilizing our spritual gifts as the Spirit leads and according to what gift we were each given.

So... what am I hearing from God lately?  Since attending that outreach even this past Saturday, I am feeling a little tug about getting involved in some kind of women's ministry.  I never ever thought I would ever say that!  Women's ministry?  Me?  Really??  I keep trying to neglect that little tug... "nah... it's not my thing".  But our church doesn't really have a formal women's ministry in place, and I'm seeking the Lord for more direction.  I'm also praying that God would guide me to some other women with whom I could be working along side. 

On the other hand... there's the youth.  I have been working with adolescents since... early college years... some 12+ years.  Joel and I have been leading the youth Bible studies at our home, but lately I've been sensing that there's more to it than that.  Yesterday I had a hard but honest conversation with Joel, who reminded me that my "call" to the youth needs to be more about investing my life into theirs.  It's about discipling them, in an "organic" type of way.  Spending time with them, showing up for their activities, praying with them, taking them along to run errands, etc...  That is what Jesus did, he spent time with His children, with his disciples.  He told stories, he challenged them along the road, and he encouraged them to pray, to love, to worship, and to ultimately share God's love to others. 

Ok, this is starting to get long... So, please pray with me as I seek the Lord for direction. 

Helen's Corner is certainly a great avenue to share my love for God's Word with others, and I was reminded (and affirmed) that my work is only in the beginning stages.  There's potential and much room to grow! 

So, HOW do I put all of these things together, for HIS glory???

Thank you everyone, for your continued words of encouragement!  I'll try to be better about letting you all into my world.  And I haven't forgotten about my next GIVEAWAY... don't worry!  It's coming!!!

See ya!

Accepting a couple of awards...


Last month I was honored to receive the Sunshine Award (Thank you, Jenn!) 

 and a few weeks after that, Vicky from Graceful Moments honored me with the Beautiful Blogger Award

  Wow, ladies!! 

So, in order for me to accept these awards, I needed to do a couple of things.  

For the Sunshine Award:  
To accept this award and pass it on:
* Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
* Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
* Link the nominees within your post.
* Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

For the Beautiful Blogger Award:
Now Beautiful Bloggers, if you accept this award and I hope you do, please post it on your blog and list 7 things about yourself and choose 7 beautiful bloggers of your own. It is also a nice thing to link back to the blog giving you the award and to also add the links for each of your picks for the award.

Now, I confess that it'll be really hard to choose a few of the bloggers I follow to pass these awards to.  And which ones do I award the Sunshine Award, and which ones do I pass on the Beautiful Blogger Award to?  Hmmm, I also confess that I'm a blog junkie...that's right!  I can spend lots of time just reading what others are blogging about, either for their tips, recipes, tutorials, and specially for their wonderful content.  I feel so honored to be able to partake in their sharing of deep thoughts, sharing of beautiful memories, or just of their love of art, craft, and all things handmade! 

So, what I'm gonna do is choose 12 bloggers and award them with BOTH of the awards!  Can I do that?  Sure, why not?!!!  In no particular order:

Alison of Chino House
Anita of AMKreations
Dionne of City of Dionne
Teresa of Green Bag Lady
Julie of Joy's Hope
Ashlei of Make It Love It

I read LOTS of other bloggers, but these are just a few that I enjoy following. 
Pass it on, ladies!!

UPCOMING NEWS...  Stay tuned!
*** New Giveaway...coming soon! ***
*** What's NEW on Helen's Corner shop ***
*** Helen's Corner setting up table on Women's Outreach event... ***

Spring brings pretty things...


I'm so excited about Spring!  I've been enjoying going for walks with my son and he absolutely LOVES his stroller ride, too!  You should see how happy he looks when we're strolling around the block with his barefeet hanging and kicking away!  So cute!  I should've taken a picture of that a couple of days ago. 

Also, my flowers have been catching everyone's eyes, including my own husband!  So pretty! 
Thank you, Lord!!

"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:28-34

Internet is down...


Just a quick note... our internet is down at home.  I'll be slow on posting, but will be back soon.
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