7 Favorite Books I Read in 2017... And A Few Honorable Mentions.


I made a goal at the beginning of 2017 to return to reading.  But not just reading, I made a goal to fall in love with books AGAIN.

Since finishing graduate school in 2007, I gave my brain permission to rest and reset.  But what I didn't realize is that by not picking up a good book consistently through the years, I was decreasing my ability to critically think about important issues, be expose to rich stories, experiences, and different cultures.  I was starting to inundate myself with noise... voices on the screen, social media, podcasts, and neglecting my forgotten passion for the written word.  The touch of crisp or crinkled pages.  The very act of holding a book.  A collection of stories.  A door and window to someone's world.  

So, this past year was good, as I awakened my love for books.  

And I read some INCREDIBLE books!
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