Beyond Me


Will you, please, allow me to just sit here and share some thoughts today?

Thank you!
I've learned a very big lesson this past weekend.  I've learned that God is Sovereign and completely and utterly in control of my life.  I've learned that despite my poor choices, my lack of obedience, and less than perfect attitude, HE is BEYOND ME.
I'm realizing, as I type, that this should be a basic lesson for any and every Christian, right?  If you believe in God, you SHOULD know that He is God and is in control.  Right?
But for some odd reason, I've gotten too accustomed to living my Christian life under the impression that God is reacting and blessing my life according to what I choose to do.
Sure, He gives me absolute freedom of choice.
Sure, He gives me complete freedom to live my life according to my own imperfect human will.
However, this past weekend I learned that God is passionate about me.  
He wants me to flourish.  
He protects my every step.
He goes before and behind me.
He is alive.
He creates and completes my thoughts.
He owns the universe and holds it in His hands.
When God placed in my heart to become a part of a business, I had no idea this business would lead me to understand Him and love Him better.

Ok... let me take you back... a few weeks ago.

December 2014.  
I knew the yearly It Works Conference was going to happen on January 15-17 2015.  I hesitated to spend money on airline tickets.  I hesitated on spending money on my registration.  It was expensive.  I'm not gonna lie.  It took some convincing myself and my family to be able to push that "submit" button at checkout.

Last Thursday, January 15, 2015.
I hopped on an air plane and flew to Orlando, FL.  Without my husband.  Without the kids.  On my own.  My journal entry that morning read this: "The morning of Day 1 of Limelite.  Super excited and a bit nervous.  Anxious.  Still unsure, but I AM TRUSTING the Lord is with me.  I am NOT alone... But no worries.  This will one day be a testimony of success."  Then, I read Psalm 23, which says, "The Lord is my shepherd... He makes me lie down...He leads me...He restores my soul."  

It was in the midst of bright lights, loud crowds, and an overload of excitement, celebration, and information, that I heard the Lord's still small voice saying, "Helen... I am writing your story.  Right here.  Right now."  As I sat in that conference listening to numerous testimonies and stories of success from people just like me, it HIT ME!  God is BEYOND ME.  This business choice is BEYOND ME.  Just like God led those people on stage to become the leaders they are now, just like God brought those people out of financial debt into financial freedom, He is also writing my story.  Today.  Right here.  Right now.  

It was only through full surrender of my thoughts, my attitude, my hopes, my control, and my FEARS, that God was able to begin a good work in me.  I no longer want to live in fear.  I no longer want to make choices based on fear.  I no longer want to make decisions based on fear.  
I want to live in courage.  I want to make choices based on whether it is an act of love and worship to my God.  I want to make decisions based on trust... trust that God is in my decisions.  Trusting that God is in control.

And I'm choosing to walk in obedience in stay on this It Works journey.  What other network marketing company could have this caliber of INTEGRITY?  Their complete surrender to God and commitment to listening to the Holy Spirit to guide the future of this business was absolutely mind blowing!  So.  I'm choosing to stay.  I'm choosing to thrive.  I'm choosing to trust. 

Today is a new day.  My faith is in a God who lives IN me... not "out there, somewhere."  He is WITH me.  I am NOT alone.  Whom shall I fear?  Of whom shall I be afraid?  

So, if you're facing any kind of fear, any type of anxiety, any form of doubt...  Remember that God is IN you.  He walks WITH you.  He is God.  

God is writing my story.  And that's BEYOND ME.  Do you believe He's writing yours, too?

I am blown away!
It Works Global announced at Conference that they're giving Double the Bonuses from last year!  
$20,000, $30,000, $50,000, $100,000!
AND, for the first time, EVER, they're giving $500 Bonus to anyone who becomes a new Distributor and is able to get 3 friends to join their team and reach Ruby status by March 31, 2015!  And that's on top of residual income/commissions and current bonuses!

WATCH me, or JOIN me!
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