A "New" Season of Thanksgiving


I have a new understanding of what it means to be fully THANKFUL for the blessings in my life.

Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Healthy children.
Loving and faithful husband.
Church family.
Everything else... all blessings indeed.

So, can I just pause here for a second (while baby naps and my other 2 are attentively watching Planes) to praise God for His grace and mercies... for His unconditional love... for His hand of protection... for His daily provisions.  I am humbled by His loving nature and faithful character.  And THANKFUL for choosing ME to accomplish His work in the ones around me.  

As a mother of 3, Thanksgiving is now the NEW way of getting through each and every day of life.  I'm not gonna lie... having my third baby has not been easy.  Without thanksgiving, the challenges of parenting 3 little ones can blind me to think that the whining, crying, cleaning, feeding and playing referee will never end.  Thanksgiving has to be a NEW attitude of my heart.  It surrounds those moments when I take a deep breath and feel the presence of God with me, IN me.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

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