I've heard it said that we're all given the same amount of hours each day...

24 hours.

And 24 hours seem to pass me by so quickly these days.  I've been going through a challenging season of "choosing joy", partially because of the nature of my daily routine.  
Children, chores, church, family, Summer heat (yes, not a big fan of high temps), and... just noise in general.
We're carrying such a busy schedule these last few months and I know that I need to rest. Lack of rest and recreation can really take a toll on anyone, specially if you're always playing catch up and running around making sure the ones who are depending on you are well taken care of.  
So... all that to say... 24 hours can turn into 24 hours of exhaustion if I'm not careful.

Also, have you ever experienced one of those moments when God totally knocks you upside the head to get your attention?  
This morning as I am between laundry and dishes, He asked me to take a breather, take in the sounds of my children whining and crying and playing and laughing and whining again, to stop, and again... take a deep breath.  What a short season this is!  But it FEELS neverending!  Are you with me here?  

So I stopped...

And remembered that today also marks 24 weeks...
Yes, I'm 24 weeks along with my 3rd pregnancy, awaiting the arrival of another life the Lord is bringing into this world.  24 weeks I've been carrying the extra physical weight and reminder that I am physically responsible to take deep breaths, to rest, and to be blessed.
Despite a fast paced lifestyle with busy schedules and numerous demands, I need to take those deep breaths.  To use the 24 hours in my day purposefully, creatively, and thankfully.  

My life is made of 24 hours a day.  And these last 24 weeks have been a reminder of what should be priority.  Choose to take a deep breath today!

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  1. Wow, Helen! Congrats and God bless!

  2. YAY! Congratulations!!!

    I am 34 weeks along and feeling that same need to rest, but it is easier said than done, especially with little ones around. It is a challenging season to be sure...
