What "The Briarpatch Gospel" Did To My Reading


There is great power in the Gospel.  The Good News!  Jesus crucified and risen again!  For my sin and ours.  Good news, right?  Reading "The Briarpatch Gospel" by Shayne Wheeler these past few weeks have opened my eyes to an extraordinary reality.  
To be completely honest, I was less than EXCITED to finish this book.  I enjoyed reading Wheeler's experience with his new neighbors and his new geographic neighborhood.  I enjoyed the organic way that he started to view the power of the Gospel at work in his church and the ones around him, especially his new neighbors!  I could relate to the importance of opening our lives in order for those who wouldn't otherwise step into the walls of a structural church to see and experience Jesus.  

So I came away from this book challenged.  

On the other hand, as a woman and a pastor's wife, I realized how much I enjoy reading books written from a female point of view instead.  It felt heavy on leadership and how men relate.  And at the time I was reading this book, I was "hungry" to hear more from others, more specifically women, doing the same kind of organic gospel living ministry.  

Overall, I enjoyed this book and will recommend to my brothers... those who are on the trenches living out the Gospel of Jesus to those around their neighborhood and beyond.

As always, thank you Tyndale House for providing this complimentary copy for my honest review.  I count it a privilege to be able to read books and tell you, friends, my thoughts and reactions.  
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