Sharing the gift of Encouragement - Special Giveaway! (CLOSED)


I've been on a journey.

The Lord is stretching me to see the world - PEOPLE - through His eyes.
Those who celebrate... weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply... life.
Those who mourn, hurt, and wait...
Those who wonder...
Those who wander...
And those who... ARE.
I've been encouraged, loved, created, comforted, and worked on BY Him who gives me breath!
And that is WHY I am CALLED to do the same for others.

I AM on this journey called ENCOURAGEMENT.
It's become my ministry, and I'm truly humbled by it. 
Thank you, Lord.

And here is my little secret:
I rely on card-writing to bring forth this mission.
I've said it before... it's almost a forgotten art.
PLEASE help me to bring it to LIFE!

Yes, I get cards from Blessings Unlimited...

And recently DaySpring sent me a set of their Redeemed cards... as a gift.
Thank you, DaySpring!  

Their Redeemed collection is SO beautiful...

There is so much detail involved...  

And as a GIFT to YOU, DaySpring offered to give one of my blog readers a set of their Redeemed cards as well (and an extra set of Encouragement cards)!!  


I can't wait for you to experience the gift of encouraging others!
I can't wait for you to feel the joy in sending out these beautiful cards!
You Are Loved!

Here's how to win!
(you can have up to 3 entries)

1.  Be a follower of my blog (1 entry).

2. Leave me a comment on this post, telling me who are some of the people in your life who need an extra word of encouragement (1 entry).
3.  Visit my Blessings Unlimited site HERE, and tell me what is your favorite item from the Fall catalog (1 entry).

Giveaway will be open until Sunday, September 30th, 2012 @ 11:59pm EST.

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