Last week in review...


OH MY GOODNESS....  It's been WAY too long since I last posted anything. 


This last week (and maybe longer) was full of different experiences.  Well, some different, some new, some old, some of the same daily stuff.  But all in all, I would have to say that God has been AWESOME! 

Some of you know that Joshua had to have a "routine" surgery last Friday (9/17).  He went in to have a dermoid cyst removed.  The pediatric ophtalmologist was confident that it was "just a cyst", nothing malign, and that it would be a routine procedure to have it removed.  The big question was whether we wanted to do it now, or later, when he's older.  I guess the hesitation to the latter was that if Joshua grows older, the cyst could've possibly ruptured inside his skin (since he is SO active and could bump into something at any moment), possibly affecting his vision.  So we chose to have the procedure done now.

The surgery was a success... Joshua woke up from the anesthesia hungry and thirsty... had some crackers and apple juice!  When we came home from the hospital, he was ready to play!  Kids are so resilient... I wish some of the adults I know could be as resilient as the little ones. 

Here's Joshua the day he came back from the hospital (poor guy) - eating his graham cracker:

And here's a picture I took this morning (11 days later):

He's healing really fast.  The stitches are almost all gone, and he hasn't complained about having any pain.  Praise the Lord!

Then this past weekend I got to celebrate my BIRTHDAY!  And with that... a LOT OF EATING!
On Friday, our work staff went out to lunch for a little "staff retreat".  We had a fabulous time at Cilantro, a fairly new Thai/Sushi Bar restaurant in downtown Akron.  The food was fantastic!!  It wasn't a birthday work celebration, yet... (read on)

My actual birthday was Sunday.  My dear husband Joel led me to believe that all he was doing for my birthday was getting my Sunday paper.  Hmmm... some of you know that I've been couponing, right?  Well, by getting my Sunday paper, it meant I didn't have to go out and get it myself... BUT... "that's all", I thought to myself.

The day went on... and no plans were being made by my husband. 


I decided to look through my Sunday Paper (remember?). 
Joel had made up a sheet of personal coupons (free day - no responsibilities, diaper change- nasty one, free dinner, and one that would entitle me to an amount from one of his tractor sales).  WOW!  I was so happy!  Then he arranged one of our high school girls to babysit that night, while we went out to dinner (thanks, Hallie!). 

We had dinner at Thai Origins, a local Thai/Sushi Bar restaurant... Another one?  Yep... I LOVE Thai AND Sushi!  Perfect combination for me!!  Thank you, Babe!

Anyway, THEN, on Monday, my co-workers treated me to lunch at Crave, a very cool/hip restaurant in downtown Akron.  Love that place!  Thank you, ladies!

I felt so blessed.

Anyway, in the midst of Joshua's surgery and my birthday, here were a few of my other "random" experiences this past week or so:

1.  Lost my cell phone.

2.  Made some shirts.

3.  Cared for a sick husband.

4.  Found my cell phone (in Joshua's diaper bag...)

5.  Played with my Silhouette.

6.  Worked on a few custom orders for Helen's Corner.

7.  Continued to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett (LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!)

Free Shipping is BACK!!


September is going by SO fast!
I can't believe this is the THIRD week of my September Specials! 
 I'm excited for what's still to come!
(especially next week... birthday week starts NEXT Sunday!!)

But for now.... I'm bringing back...

Happy shopping!
God bless...

Random Thought Tuesday


This will be a really random 'ranting'... so sorry...
My son and I took a stroller walk to our local sewing store this morning. I haven't had ONE pleasant experience there to date, but decided to give them another chance... especially since they sent me a 50% off birthday coupon (valid all month).

So, we walked in and we were immediately greeted by a stern, yet willing, face: "Are you looking for anything in particular", followed by "what kind of machine do you have", followed by "let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

So far so good.

I decided to ask a question about... embroidery fonts... Ok, I'm a novice and I don't claim to know too much about anything in the sewing world. BUT, I know when things are overpriced, overhyped, or over-anything. Anyway, the stern/willing lady decided to do some research for me, and despite her efforts to find me an answer for a particular question, she came back empty-handed.


The shop owner walked in... Lord, have mercy (on me...please!). It was only 10am and she was alread in the worst mood I have ever seen. I won't go into detail, but let me just say that I was a bit disturbed by her customer service skills. I was a little discouraged. Again. Like I said in the beginning, I've had my share of negative experiences in this particular store. I wanted to give them another chance. Again. Anyway, decided to get a couple of charm packs, then left.

I was feeling so discouraged and "disturbed", that Joshua and I decided to extend our walk and talk to the Lord on our way. I could've said a million negative things about her, but instead, I decided to pray for her.

So I prayed...

and prayed...

and prayed.

Until I was no longer discouraged OR disturbed. Isn't that why the Lord asks us to pray for our "enemies" (don't get me wrong, I do not consider her my enemy, but I was discouraged because of her manners). I praise God for blessing us with the most beautiful blue sky, mild temperatures, cool breeze, and a healthy & happy baby boy! I couldn't be more blessed.

"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Luke 6:27-36 (NIV)

What about YOU?
Who do you need to pray for today??

Crazy & Special Deal!


I opened my Etsy shop, Helen's Corner, on September 12th, 2009... ONE YEAR AGO!

My first sale occurred on September 30th, 2009... and this is what I sold:

This bodysuit design has been very "popular" and it has blessed a lot of my buyers. 

So, YOU get to benefit from my Etsy shop anniversary....


$5 ONLY!!  That's right! 
You'll get this bodysuit on sizes 3 months - 24 months for only $5!!!

Think of the babies who would look so cute wearing one of these.
They'll make wonderful gifts!
Baby showers
"just because"
...or whatever the occasion might be...
... remind that little one that they are Made In His Image...

4/4/1943 - 9/9/2002


I wasn't going to blog today. 

I wasn't even going to "talk" about it...

...but I can't NOT let out the meaning of today's date.

8 years ago, my father died of stomach cancer.  He was 59 years old.

My father was a pastor, a leader, a mentor, a professor, a son, uncle, husband, and a DAD.  He was my dad.  He enjoyed going for walks, donuts, tea, reading, cheesecake, miso soup, and soccer games.  He was my driver, my encourager, financial advisor, and biggest critic.

About 4 years ago, I wrote this on my journal:  "My life is different without dad. But my life has been enriched by his legacy. Dad left me a rich legacy of faith, excellence, and a genuine calling to influence others for God's kingdom. Dad had an eternal mentality; one that many appreciated but few understood. Dad was simple and yet complex. He was faithful... to his Creator, his family, and God's Church."

Time has gone by too quickly... but my siblings and I agree... We miss him.

Dad... you must be rejoicing in the presence of our Creator!  And for that... I smile!

September Specials Continue...


This week...

Take 25% OFF your ENTIRE order!
(I'll refund you the 25% via PayPal)

Check out Helen's Corner!

Thank you!

Goal = 70! Giveaway!


Can I get 70 sales by Helen's Corner's FIRST ANNIVERSARY on Sunday 9/12/10????

Spread the word about Helen's Corner! 

Leave me a comment letting me know you took the time to blog, tweet, facebook, "phone a friend" about my September Specials.  (1 comment per person)

I'll choose one random comment to win a special gift from Helen's Corner!

You have until Saturday, 9/11/10 10pm EST to comment!

Thank you for your support, guys! 

God's Recipe??


So the other day I was making brownies for a birthday party and I clearly heard the Lord speaking to me. 

"Helen, pick up your Bible!"

I knew it was the Holy Spirit.

Who else would tug, nag, and constantly push me to open the Bible at such an odd moment??

So I did... I stopped stirring that chocolatey, creamy, filled with wonder brownie mix, and opened my Bible. 

I continued my reading from 2 Peter:
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 
(2 Peter 1:5-8)

Did you just read that?  Is that a Recipe from God or what?  I guess it wasn't such an odd moment afterall.  Right when I was baking... and if you know anything about baking, YOU KNOW that every ingredient is vital... and measuring each ingredient is even MORE vital than the ingredients themselves. 

So, here's what I picked up from that passage:

Recipe for an Effective and Productive follower of Christ

Brotherly kindness

Add all of the ingredients together.  If you're able to increase the quantity of each of the above ingredients, the more EFFECTIVE and PRODUCTIVE in the knowledge of Christ you will be!  Remember that EVERY INGREDIENT IS VITAL to the "success" of this recipe.

Enjoy in Abundance!!!

Introducing... September Specials!


As promised...

This month is very special to me. 

I will be turning 33 on September 26th
(nope, I'm not afraid to share how "young" I am!!!!  Bring it!). 


Helen's Corner is turning ONE! 
I have been so blessed to be able to share my love for the Lord through my shop.  God has been faithful and continued to encourage me through this first year.  It hasn't been easy, but it's been fun!  I've had 63 sales (so far) and inquiries continue to come.  Actually, just 2 days ago I received my first bulk/wholesale order!  I am so excited about that!  I also had the privilege to share, give, and swap products with people who I would've never had the chance to meet and connect, if Helen's Corner didn't exist.  I am so thankful!

I wish I could personally THANK every one of my past buyers, supporters, friends, blog followers, and Etsy group members.  Instead, I am publicly THANKING y'all here, on my blog. 

As a big THANK YOU gift, I will be offering weekly deals during the entire month of September. 

Also, stay tuned and continue to follow my blog for special GIVEAWAYS and SECRET SALES! 


... and take advantage of my weekly sales this month!

This week's DEAL
(9/1/10 - 9/4/10)
deals will run Sunday - Saturday

Free Shipping Sale!

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