Thankful Napkins Winner!


It was so cool to read all of your responses to my giveaway.  It is truly a "discipline" to keep reminding ourselves of what we're most thankful for each day (other than on Thanksgiving season, right??)

I used to choose my winner...

And the winner was... #9

#9 - Art and Sew Forth who said...
I am SO thankful not only for my 7 kids but for the fact that they are all BEST friends!!
I will tweet about this to my 2300 followers! (beyond_5 there)
You can reach me at
Lovely napkins!! And since you are a neighbor-I hope I win! 
Congratulations, catcalls!!!!
And SERIOUSLY!!!!  I have a very exciting giveaway coming up in the next few weeks... 

My Etsy Shop - Baby & Toddler apparel, Totes, Napkins and more


Weekend images


If you're looking for my GIVEAWAY... scroll down or click here.


Yesterday was SO HOT here in Cleveland! It was somewhere in the mid 90s and so very HUMID... Ughh... I'm not fond of humid weather, which is ironic since I was born and raised in a country where tropical weather covers the everyday forecast. Anyway... baby and I had a fun time swimming...


... all of the sudden...

... it started to POUR!!! WHAT????
Here are the aftermath images...

It sure was refreshing, though...

Fresh off the "press" GIVEAWAY (72 hours only!!!!!) - CLOSED


I neglected to wish you all a HAPPY SUMMER! 
My apologies...

But to welcome this wonderful season, I thought I could bless one of you with a pair of THANKFUL cloth napkins (14" x 14", 100% linen and quilting weight cotton, reversible).  I literally JUST finished making these... I've been working on a few more, so don't forget to keep checking my Etsy Shop

To enter, you will have only 72 hours to enter:
(ONE comment per person!)

1.  You must be a follower of my blog.
2.  Tell me what you're THANKFUL for TODAY...
3.  Pass it on... let "someone" know about this giveaway
(Facebook, blog, Twitter, word-of-mouth, etc).

You have until Tuesday night, June 29th, to enter.  I'll be announcing a winner on  Wednesday morning. 

What I've been up to lately...


Last Saturday the ladies from Sisters Shopping on a Shoestring came to our church for a 2-hour (plus) Coupon Workshop.  We had about 50 ladies show up and the time was well worth it!  Click here and read what they said about the event! 

I've been thinking a lot about how God has been providing for me and my family.  There are times when I wonder how the bils get paid when I'm only working 10 hours a week (instead of the 40+ hours I used to work before Joshua was born).  I am SUPER blessed! 

So, why coupons?  I'm not sure if I love the thrill of a good bargain combined with savings I get from using coupons - which often times I am able to snatch goodies for free or almost to nothing.  OR, do I enjoy the process of clipping, organizing, and "collecting"?  My stash of coupons are slowly finding itself in my new coupon binder.  And I'm feeling better and better about it.  Seriously, though... I haven't figured out why I'm into this couponing deal.  I recently told a friend that this whole thing feels like a fun "game", while getting the things I need from the store.  "So, how much can I save today?"

That same weekend I finished a huge order of shirts I received from my brother-in-law.  My sister-in-law is having a family reunion and they've asked me to screenprint 60 shirts with their family name(s) and THIS on the back:
Families are like fudge...
Mostly sweet with a few

Haha... I thought it was so clever.  I wish I had taken some pictures of all the shirts I screenprinted!  It was so fun!  (By the way, I'll be more than glad to help anyone out with their tshirt needs... that was so fun and I would love to do that for you, too.  Just contact me or leave a comment for my rates)

So, between hosting the coupon workshop, working on 60 shirts, and caring for a very active 1 year old (who's walking, crawling, falling, climbing, etc...), I've been fervently praying for a few things:
- my younger brother was diagnosed with Type2 Diabetes on Monday
- a group from my church down in  Guatemala for the week
- a family who lost everything after a tragic fire - click here for ways to pray/help them financially (THANKS, Anita!  You're a true blessing!)

So, that's what I've been up to lately... And stay tuned... I'll be posting my summer reading updates. 



I feel so FULL... and I mean FULL of God's many blessings.  My boy turned 1 last week and I can't imagine life without this bundle of JOY.  He's grown so much and SO FAST!  I still remember when people would look me in the eye and say "enjoy this newborn baby... he'll grow so fast... pretty soon he'll be walking, and talking, and driving, and graduating from high school.... "  Wow, isn't that the truth!??

My honey-bun is ONE!  Let's recap... 

I was also blessed to have my family here for the weekend.  My brother Steven and his girlfriend Lindsey flew in from Seattle.

My brother Lucas flew in from LA.

And my sweet mother was still enjoying her time here with us, all the way from Brazil...

They helped Joel and I get ready for the birthday party...

It was so fun!

More family... cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents...

With aunt Mindy...

Good friends Jess, Tony, and their son Nehemiah...

Having fun...

Cake time (Thank you, Sue!)!!!

Joshua's First Cupcake!!!

Cousin Abbey...

Opening gifts...

Can't wait to see what the next year holds in store for us.  Joshua is a true blessing.  The Lord is showing me daily what it means to love someone unconditionally and sacrificially.  Being Joshua's mother has taught me to love more deeply, to pray more fervently, to rejoice in every detail, to appreciate his soft touch, to laugh out loud, to sing out loud, to read out loud, and to cry out loud. 

And there are no words to describe how much more deeply I depend on my Father in Heaven for His GRACE and MERCY.  Thank YOU, Lord!

Belated Anniversary Post


Yesterday marked 4 years of married life for me and my hubby Joel. 

After 4 years...
1.  We moved twice (including out of state).
2.  Finished grad school.
3.  Changed jobs...hmmm... 3 times.
4.  Became homeowners.
5.  Had a child.
6.  Read the entire Bible together.
7.  Found hobbies.
8.  Laughed.
9.  Cried.
10.  LOVED.

I feel truly blessed...

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