The Song Lyrics That Have Been Breaking Me Down


What is that ONE SONG that you've listened to lately that completely broke you down?  
Not just the "breaking down" that brings a tear or two, or even those watered eyes you fight to keep sealed behind your eyeballs?  I'm talking about that ONE SONG that grabs your heart and the insides of your soul, and has a ridiculous way of making your joints and muscles turn to jello!  

The Lord has been doing some hard work in my life lately.  He's teaching me about my selfishness, my lack of steadfastness, my lack of devotion, and my pride.  He has been pulling me back to the CROSS.  The ALTAR.  The TORN VEIL.  I can't even describe what His GRACE and MERCY have felt these last few weeks.  When I mess up and fall... He's still loves me, y'all!  And when you mess up and fall... He's still loves you, too, friend!  What loves is this?  

Can you and I even begin to earn His grace?
Can you and I begin to understand what He's provided through His son Jesus on the cross?
Eternity with HIM!

And to think that I doubt His plans for me.  That my plans are better than His.  
To think that rest is deserved, not given.  That abundant life is earned, not offered.
Oh... what little faith!

So, as I listen to these lyrics, over and over and over again... I'm humbly reminded that Jesus Christ was thinking of me when He rose from the grave... and that He torn the veil so I could approach Him, personally!  

May I never settle for the temporary things of this world.  May I never get comfortable pursuing the perfect home, the perfect family, the perfect church or the perfect community.  May I pursue Him and Him alone.  May I thirst for eternal freedom.  For home.  

'Cause I loved you before you knew what was love
I saw it all, still I chose the cross
You were the one that I was thinking of
When I rose from the grave

Now rid of the shackles, My victory is yours
I tore the veil for you to come close
There’s no reason to stand at a distance anymore
You’re not far from home

What about you?  What have you been listening to lately?  I want to hear what's been bringing you to your knees and breaking you down!  It's ok... I've done the ugly car in the car recently, too!  

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